Thursday, February 23, 2006

o amor é a asa veloz que Deus deu à alma para que ela voe até o céu (michelangelo buonarroti)
what a beautiful Baby
my Honey Baby Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Um poema para vc...

"Não sei... se a vida é curta... ou longa demais para nós. Mas seique nada do que vivemos tem sentido,se não tocarmos o coração das pessoas. Muitas vezes basta ser: colo que acolhe,braço que envolve, palavra que conforta, silêncio que respeita, alegria que contagia,lágrima que corre, olhar que sacia,amor que promove. E isso não é coisa de outro mundo: é o que dá sentido à vida. É o que faz com que ela não seja nem curta,nem longa demais, mas que seja intensa,verdadeira e pura... enquanto durar." Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tara Verde

The Buddha always encouraged open discussion which included differing viewpoints. He encouraged the individual at the same time as teaching compassion for all men, and was very democratic in his style.
Buddhism is also relevant for the scientific and technological era in which we now live. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "if there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism". The emphasis on the clarity of thought, of seeing and understanding, and of being aware of constant change are all fundamentals of a scientific approach.
Also, Buddhism offers a path, which provides guidelines for everyday living and for a caring approach to the environment. It shows us the way to live in harmony with others and the world we live in. Posted by Picasa
Samsara Meaning
refers to the concept of reincarnation or rebirth in Indian philosophical traditions.

. One who is subject to Samsara is called a samsarin.

Cycle of rebirth
In most Indian philosophical traditions, including the orthodox Hindu and heterodox Buddhist and Jain systems, an ongoing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is assumed as a fact of nature. These systems differ widely, however, in the terminology with which they describe the process and in the metaphysics they use in interpreting it. Most of these traditions, in their evolved forms, regard Saṃsāra negatively, as a fallen condition which is to be escaped. Some, such as Advaita Vedanta regard the world and Saṃsāric participation in it as fundamentally illusory.
Some later adaptations of these traditions identify Saṃsāra as a mere metaphor.

Saṃsāra in Hinduism
In some types of Hinduism, Saṃsāra is seen as ignorance of the True Self, Brahman, and thus the soul is led to believe in the reality of the temporal, phenomenal world.
In Hinduism, it is avidya, or ignorance, of one's true self, that leads to ego-consciousness of the body and the phenomenal world. This grounds one in desire and the perpetual chain of karma and reincarnation. The state of illusion is known as Maya.
Hinduism had many terms for the state of liberation like moksha, mukti, nirvana, and mahasamadhi.
+ The Hindu Yoga traditions hold various beliefs. Moksha may be achieved by love of Ishwar/God (see bhakti movement), by psycho-physical meditation (Raja Yoga), by discrimination of what is real and unreal through intense contemplation (Jnana Yoga) and through Karma Yoga, the path of selfless action that subverts the ego and enforces understanding of the unity of all. Advaita Vedanta, which heavily influenced Hindu Yoga, believes that Brahman, the ultimate Truth-Consciousness-Bliss, is the infinite, impersonal reality (as contrasted to the Buddhist concept of shunyata) and that through realization of it, all temporal states like deities, the cosmos and samsara itself are revealed to be nothing but manifestations of Brahman.
Samsara - tour of this universe and beyond Posted by Picasa
The Fool
The Upright Fool card represents a new beginning, a fresh start in any aspect of our life. When this card is drawn, we are faced with important choices and decisions which need to be made as we begin this new life-cycle and to deal with any difficult challenges along the way. The Fool tells us to face these challenges with energy, optimism and faith, which will ensure a positive outcome. It also points out that we must develop faith in our abilities to make the right choices, to keep the faith, and to walk our own unique path with optimism and hope. The Reversed Fool card gives us a clear warning that we must resist the temptation to act recklessly or immaturely in any new situation. We must accept our responsibilities and commitments and honor them wholely. Due consideration is required - problems and indiscretions resulting from impatience or impulsiveness are indicated. It also shows inhibitions that are caused by mental, emotional and physical restraints and tensions. We are burdened with a sense of obligation towards society and our daily duties. Posted by Picasa

Consciousness is the experience of “Be-ing” which represents everything that is possible for us to experience. All of our senses, perceptions, and possible states of awareness can be divided into seven categories that are associated with each of the seven chakras.
First chakra is survival, vitality and grounding to physical life
Second chakra is emotions, nurturing and shelter
Third chakra is thoughts and power systems
Fourth chakra is love, health and relationships
Fifth chakra is communication and higher creativity
Sixth chakra is inspiration, imagination and spiritual power
Seventh chakra is unity with multidimensional consciousness
The chakras represent not only a particular part of our body, but also a part of our consciousness. Each chakra represents how our unconscious and superconscious selves communicate with our conscious self.
First chakra rules the skeleton, legs, knees and feet
Second chakra rules the genitals, abdomen and lower back
Third chakra rues the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen and pancreas
Fourth chakra rules the heart, lungs, immune system, arms and hands
Fifth chakra rules the throat, mouth, speech and hearing
Sixth chakra rules the vision, face, head, sleep and dreams
Seventh chakra rules the brain and nervous system
Tensions that are felt in our consciousness are also felt in our body via the chakra system. Conversely, tensions that are felt in our body are felt in our consciousness.
In other words, if we were having a:
First chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties with our daily survival, vital energy or dedication to physical life
Body as problems with our skeleton, legs, knees or feet.
Second chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties with our emotions, ability to give or receive nurturing, or our home.
Body as problems with our reproductive organs, intestines or lower back.
Third chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties with thinking and power struggles with others or within our self
Body as problems with our liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen or pancreas
Fourth chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties giving or expressing love in our relationships and our over-all health
Body as problems with our heart, lungs, immune system, arms or hands
Fifth chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties with communication and creativity
Body as problems with our throat, mouth, speech or hearing
Sixth chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties with inspiration, imagination and spiritual power
Body as nightmares or problems with our vision, face, head or sleep
Seventh chakra problem: it would express through our
Consciousness as difficulties with mind expansion
Body as problems with our brain or nervous system
The Physical Body Door in the Conscious Section represents the heart chakra. The life force of the physical body is thought by many cultures to be held in the heart. The heart is also thought of as the center of our ability to love. Indeed, as we move up the chakras to the fourth chakra—the heart chakra—we have moved past the areas of our consciousness that are too often “unconscious” to us and into the areas of our life that are primarily “conscious”. These are the areas of our daily interactions with others and with the world around us.
Our happiness, or lack of it, arises from whether these encounters are filled with fear or filled with love. These encounters begin within ourselves. If our consciousness is filled with fear then many of our encounters with the outside world will be fearful. On the other hand, if our consciousness is filled with love then many of our encounters with the outside world will be loving. Posted by Picasa
As I sat on that beach my former experiences came to life; I "saw" cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created and destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I "saw" the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I "heard" its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshiped by the Hindus.

Fritjof Capra, in the preface of "The Tao of Physics"
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